Spiritualità | Cuore della luna
Una casa pulita per un ospite
Ciao e Benvenuto...
"Svegliati, perché hai tutti i segreti." ne dice uno a un amico privo di sensi.
Disclaimer: Heart of the Moon Cartomancy is interested in energy. Our readings are for entertainment purposes and should NEVER take the place of psychological, medical, legal, financial professional services, your own judgement such as your own Olive Oil (cognitive faculties). Heart of the Moon accepts no liability or responsibility for any action a person/client chooses to take.
However, if the readings do resonate with your Olive Oil, Heart of the Moon's readings are also in the spirit of suggestion. Because, Heart of the Moon is NOT the guide, rather we strongly believe the energy is the guide such as but not limited to the symbolism of the constellations in the sky. Consequently, Heart of the Moon is a translator of the symbolism. As a result, we strongly believe, ultimately your own faculties and/or cognitive content is the best filter, and thus should always be the best guide.
Also, Heart of the Moon Cartomancy is non-religious.